Cleaning, Disinfecting and Storing Mentalab Hardware

While regularly disinfecting materials prevents contamination, please bear in mind that frequent disinfection will damage your equipment. If your equipment does not require immediate disinfection, consider using water-based cleaning.

Cleaning electrodes and caps

Please clean caps and electrodes immediately after every use to prevent conductive gel residue from drying into the material.


Clean electrodes with warm water and a soft material such as cotton or cotton swabs. Ensure that the connector always remains dry. Rinse electrodes under warm water and use cotton as needed to carefully remove gel residue. If gel residue is hard to remove, particularly in the circular hole of the ring electrodes, use a soft brush to remove it.

Since most conductive gels are water based, you shouldn’t need to use soap. If residue will not come off with water, use a little bit of gentle cleaning soap or laboratory cleaning solution (no shampoo or strong cleaners). Rinse thoroughly with water after cleaning and let the electrodes air dry on a soft surface. Alternatively, dry them carefully with a soft cotton towel.

EEG caps

Clean EEG Caps with water and a mild detergent (not shampoo). Remove all the electrodes before cleaning. Soak the caps in warm water and detergent, before massaging the material. This will allow the cleaning solution to soak through the material. Rinse thoroughly with water until the run-off contains no more soap.

To dry the cap, hang it up or spread it out on a flat surface in a well-ventilated area. Alternatively, rub it dry with a soft towel. Do not store your cap if it is still damp as mold can form.


Dry air is in fact a good disinfectant. Most viruses and bacteria will not survive in a dry environment at room temperature for more than a few minutes. However, do disinfect your equipment properly if you intend to use it with multiple people in a single day. Do not disinfect the Explore amplifier itself.

Please note, staff applying the EEG caps to participants face a substantially higher risk of infection from contaminated equipment than a participant. Electrodes can be disinfected after cleaning by applying a disinfecting solution. We recommend Gigasept FF or Korsolex plus. In either case, apply the solution with a soft applicator, like a cotton swab, to prevent scratching.

After disinfecting your equipment, thoroughly rinse them with water and let them air dry. Some additional recommendations to minimize the risk of infection:

  • Do not work with open injuries on your fingers, nail beds, or any mucous membranes.
  • Wear surgical gloves and a respiratory protection mask.
  • Ensure that your caps and electrodes are completely covered in the disinfectant.
  • Do not leave materials in the disinfecting solution longer than required to preserve material.
  • After disinfection, thoroughly rinse with water.


When not in use, we recommend storing your Explore amplifier, electrodes, and cap in the provided shockproof box. If the box is not available, please store your Explore system in a dark and dry environment.

Legal Disclaimer: the person in charge of the laboratory is always responsible for hygienic control. In case of any ambiguities or concerns about disinfection, please contact your local department responsible for hygiene.

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